If you’ve read any of our other resources and guides, you’ll know that we’re very concerned about the dangers of prolonged sitting. In fact, our Meredith Chandler (Licensed OT) …
While it’s not for everyone, I’ve definitely seen a lot of people improve their lower back pain with an inversion table. And the medical literature seems to back this …
It can’t hurt to burn some calories while sitting at your desk. Actually it can help you quite a lot. Studies show that doing some pedalling at your desk …
If you’re finding yourself hunched over the laptop, it’s time to buy a stand. Seriously, for about $50 you can solve at least half of your ergonomic problems. Having …
The notion that sitting for long periods of time wears your body down seems to preach two polar opposite ideas. Similarly, so does the term “active sitting”. We are …
If you’ve recently made the transition to a standing desk, you’ll want to arm your new ergonomic setup with a suitable standing desk stool. And experts agree that is …
I can’t think of a chair that has one more awards and praise than the Aeris Swopper Chair. In fact, it has become synonymous with active sitting. And knowing …